
The Quirky Side of Indian Fashion

Indian Fashion

India is known for its diverse and vibrant culture, and one of the most fascinating aspects of this culture is its fashion. From traditional textiles to modern designs, Indian fashion has a lot to offer. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at some of the lesser-known but quirky aspects of Indian fashion.

  1. Traditional Textiles

India has a rich tradition of weaving, dyeing, and printing textiles, and each region has its own unique style. For example, the northeastern state of Assam is known for its intricate silk weaves, while the southern state of Kerala is famous for its vibrant cotton prints. Other popular textiles include chanderi, bandhani, and ikat.

Woman operated handloom, Kerala, India

Woman operated handloom, Kerala, India

One of the most unique textiles from India is khadi, a handspun and handwoven fabric that was popularised by Mahatma Gandhi during the Indian independence movement. Today, khadi is still a symbol of self-sufficiency and sustainability, and it’s available in a wide range of colours and designs.

To purchase traditional Indian textiles, check out e-commerce sites like Craftsvilla and Jaypore.

  1. Regional Styles

Each region of India has its own distinctive fashion style, and many of these styles are making a comeback in modern fashion. For example, the northeastern state of Manipur is known for its phanek, a wraparound skirt that’s worn with a shawl and blouse. The state of Rajasthan is famous for its colourful leheriya prints, which are created by tie-dyeing fabric in a wave pattern.

Manipuri Phanek and Innaphi

Another unique style is the saree drape of the Bengali style. It’s a combination of a traditional saree and a dhoti (a garment worn by Indian men). It involves draping the saree in a way that creates a more functional and comfortable drape for women.

To purchase regional Indian fashion, check out e-commerce sites like Utsav Fashion and Indian Cloth Store.

  1. Quirky Accessories

No Indian outfit is complete without some quirky accessories. One of the most popular accessories is the bindi, a small dot worn on the forehead that symbolises wisdom and spirituality. Bindis are available in a wide range of colours and designs, from simple dots to intricate patterns.

Jhumka, North India

Another popular accessory is the jhumka, a bell-shaped earring that’s worn with traditional Indian outfits. Jhumkas come in a variety of sizes and designs, from simple silver hoops to elaborate gold and gemstone creations.

To purchase quirky Indian accessories, check out e-commerce sites like Voylla and Indian Roots.

  1. Sustainable Fashion

India has a long history of sustainability in fashion, with traditional practises like handloom weaving and natural dyeing techniques. Today, many Indian designers are embracing sustainable fashion and incorporating eco-friendly materials and practises into their designs.

Natural fabrics like organic cotton, silk, wool, and line

One of the leading sustainable fashion brands in India is Buna, which uses handwoven fabrics and natural dyes to create beautiful and timeless pieces. Another brand is Doodlage, which creates innovative designs using upcycled fabrics and waste materials.

To purchase sustainable Indian fashion, check out e-commerce sites like The Good Trade and The Burlap People.

  1. Fusion Fashion

In recent years, Indian fashion has seen an influx of fusion designs that blend traditional Indian elements with Western fashion trends. For example, you might see a saree paired with a crop top or a kurta worn with jeans.

One of the pioneers of fusion fashion in India is designer Masaba Gupta, who is known for her bold prints and playful designs. Other designers who are mixing traditional and modern styles include Anamika Khanna and Payal Singhal.

To purchase fusion Indian fashion, check out e-commerce sites like Pernia’s Pop-Up Shop and Aza Fashions.


In conclusion, Indian fashion is a vast and colourful world, with traditional textiles, regional styles, quirky accessories, sustainable practises and fusion designs. By exploring the quirky side of Indian fashion, you can add some unique and eye-catching pieces to your wardrobe while celebrating the rich and diverse culture of India.

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